The I Do Insiders
The I Do Insiders
Feeling overwhelmed running a wedding business? I Do Insiders is your one-stop shop for actionable tips, strategies, and inspiration to help you thrive in the exciting world of weddings.
Curtis Wallis

Episode2: 3 Services to save you time and money in your wedding business.

S1 E2 • Sep 11, 2024 • 28 mins

Curtis Wallis provides an in-depth look at online services like Jotform, Calendly, and Klaviyo that can help wedding businesses save money and streamline operations. He explains how to effectively use each tool, from setting up forms with Jotform to managing appointments with Calendly and leveraging Klaviyo for email marketing. The episode includes a recap of these tools, closing remarks, and a preview of future topics.

Key Points

  • Using Jotform can streamline your information gathering process and act as a virtual assistant for your wedding business.
  • Calendly helps efficiently schedule client meetings and tours, saving you time and reducing the risk of double bookings.
  • Klaviyo allows you to automate email marketing workflows, ensuring consistent follow-up with potential clients and maintaining engagement with existing ones.

Here are links to the three services mentioned in episode 2.

Jotform: Calendly Klaviyo

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